
Sunset Solar recognizes the significance of maintaining a continuous hot water supply within your household. Regardless of whether you possess a non-pressure type water heater or a pressure type unit, our team possesses the knowledge and tools needed to guarantee its efficient and safe operation.

While both paths lead to warm and satisfying experiences, the choice is yours!

Sunset Solar water heating systems efficiently transfer heat from the solar collector to the water in the panel’s copper riser tubes. And these systems are designed and constructed to maximize heat absorption. They use the thermosyphon effect to move the heated water to the insulated hot water storage tank. But, this never-ending process continues as long as there is sunshine. So, Sunset Solar delivers on its promise of dependable, high-quality service because it harnesses the power of the sun. This seamless integration of cutting-edge technology and environmentally friendly principles ensures a constant supply of hot water while reducing your energy bills.

Non-Pressure Type

Non-pressure type water heaters heat water at atmospheric pressure, ensuring safer operation without any significant pressure build-up inside the tank.

Pressure Type

Pressure type water heaters store pressurized water, and when a tap is turned on, the pressure forces hot water out, while simultaneously heating the incoming cold water.


100 L
150 L
200 L
300 L

Recommended For

1 Bathroom and Pantry (2-3 persons)
2 Bathroom and Pantry (3-4 persons)
3 Bathroom and Pantry (4-5 persons)
4 Bathroom and Pantry (5-7 persons)

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Feel free to contact us for any question and doubts

At Sunset Solar, we’re your trusted partner in harnessing the sun’s energy to provide sustainable and cost-effective hot water solutions. We understand that making the transition to solar hot water can raise questions and doubts, and that’s why we’re here to guide you every step of the way.
